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timing belt

Product introduction

supply scope:

1. PU (polyurethane)
Reinforce rib type: steelwire, polyester rope, glass fiber
Advantages: perfectperformance of oil-resistance, wear resistance and aging resistance, suitableto medium & small power but high speed rotation working conditions, workingtemperature range from -20---- 80 degree.
2. rubber
Reinforce rib type: steelwire, polyester rope, glass fiber
Advantages: watersolution resistance, heat resistance and shocking resistance, suitable to largepower range especially for high power conditons, working temperature range from-30---- 130 degree.
Teeth type
A. Square tooth
B. T-tooth
Double sides tooth belt
Applications :
?Engineering : Machine Tools, FoundryEquipments, Conveyors, Compressors, Painting systems etc.
?Pharmaceuticals & Food Processing : PulpMill Blowers, Conveyor in warehouse, Agitators, Grain, Boiler, Bakery Machine,Labeling Machine, Robots etc.
?Agriculture Industries : Cultivator,Rice Winnower Tractor, Harvester, Harvester, Rice Planter etc
?Textile Mills : Looms, Spinning, Wrappers,High-speed auto looms, Processing machine, Twister, Carding machine. Rulercalendar machine high speed winder etc.
?Printing Machinery : Newspaper press, Rotary machine, Embossing, Screen Printer Machine, Linotypemachine offset printer etc.
?Paper Industries : Chipperroll grinder, Cut off saw, Edgers, Flotation cell and chips saws etc.
?Building Construction Machinery : Buffers,Elevator Floor polisher mixing machine, vibrator, Hoists, Crusher etc.
?Office Equipments : Typewriter,Plotters, Camera, Money drive, Money Sorting machine, Data storage equipmentetc.
?Glass and plastic Industries : Conveyor,Carton Sealers, Grinders, Creeper paper manufacturing machine, Lintec backingetc.
?Home Appliances : Vacuum cleaner, Laundrymachine, Ice-cream machine, Sewing Machine, Kitchen equipments etc.

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